Friday, 19 May 2023

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Indian history short trick


(Treaty of Purandar, Death of Aurangzeb, British Rule, Battle of Plassey, East India Company, Sepoy Mutiny, Indian National Congress, Partition of Bengal, Salt Satyagraha, Quit India Movement)

1665: Treaty of Purandar signed between Shivaji and the Mughals 1707: Death of Aurangzeb marks the decline of the Mughal Empire 1757: Battle of Plassey marks the beginning of British rule in India 1600s-1800s: East India Company grows in power and wealth 1857-58: Sepoy Mutiny against British rule 1885: Indian National Congress founded 1905: Partition of Bengal leads to protests and boycotts 1930: Salt Satyagraha led by Mahatma Gandhi 1942: Quit India Movement launched against British rule in India

To help remember the mnemonic, you can use the phrase "The Poet Died With Rhythmic Poise, Ending Secular Empires And Parting Earthly Seas."


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